I am Asavela Peko the author of the short-story named “Free at last”. I was born and raised in Cape Town on the 27 august 1992. However, originally I’m from Eastern Cape at Ngqamakhwe. I am the last of three siblings namely Amanda Peko and Khumbulani Zokwe. I’m currently staying in Delft, Cape Town. I am one young-adult coming from the disadvantaged home, whereby a social grant is the source of income. I am raised by a disabled single mother named Nosipho Peko.
I am a respected and appreciated man. I’m a young adult who believes in helping and sharing. I am a reliable individual with quality driven interpersonal skills. My most significant values are challenges. Being a team work, communication and sharing are the most valuable aspects in my life. I am a loving, caring, honest, friendly and idealistic.
I am mostly keen in the community and youth development. I’m the Founder and President of a Non-Profit Organization called Learner’s Movement of South Africa (LEMOSA). I wish to encourage the youth to value life as it only comes once per individual.
Message to the Youth (In and Out-School)
I quote “I don’t judge a life of a man based on how did he died, but how did he lived, not how much did he gain but how much did he gave.”
Highlights during the program
The biggest and happiest highlight during the program was to meet the mentee’s and mentors. They inspired me to an extent that I made a great use of the advises and teachings to write the story successfully.
Advice for young writers and readers
First of all I take this opportunity to thank you all for supporting our writings and do feel inspired to see young people across the continent involved with the Fundza.
Keep on writing and reading our stories to the best of your efforts and they will inspire, reflect and transform your lives. We are honored and privileged to have such readers whom are supportive and even criticizing. Critics are a challenge that I adore because it helps me get better at what I am doing and I never will take them personal. To the writers use your careers or talents to change the world you transpire to be part of. I would like to thank all of you for inspiring me to change the focus in my life and decide to take writing short-stories and poetry as a career not hobby nor talent anymore.
To all the mentors and mentees thank you a lot for ever made an impact in my life. I wish and believe that together we will continue working to change the world starting by South Africa.
Working with mentor
It surely was a good experience transferred to me by my mentor (Sonwabiso Ngcowa). It was an honor and privilege to have a mentor like him and I bow before him for being the best mentor there’s to have. I adore my mentor and wish to work with him continuously. He is such a caring, friendly, creative, smart and flexible person whom thought me a lot about writing this short story. I will continue use the skills, information and anything else he shared to me.