At Fundza, we value a positive, respectful, and inclusive community where everyone feels safe to share their thoughts. Please remember to keep your comments friendly, constructive, and free from any form of hate speech, bullying, or discrimination. Any comments containing offensive language, personal attacks, or harmful content will be removed, and repeat offenders may be…
A. Hadid
Got a few minutes? Take our quick Annual Survey! By sharing your thoughts, you’ll help shape the future of Fundza and stand a chance to win fantastic rewards. Five lucky readers will each walk away with R1000 and a Fundza goodie bag, while 10 more will score a Fundza goodie bag! It’s fast, easy, and…

Michael is 'n tienermeisie wat diep delf innie realiteite van grootword, familie, en die verlies van 'n geliefde. Wanne haa uncle Henry, 'n academic wat obsessed is op George Orwell se wêk, by hulle intrek om sy laaste dae deur te bring, wôd Michael se lewe omgekeer. Deur die lens van 1984, Orwell se bekende…
Ronelda S Kamfer

Thank you, FunDza fam, for joining us in our exciting AI vs Human Writing Challenge! We've loved seeing so many of you put your reading skills to the test and join the fun. Now, it's time to share the results and reflect on what we learned! First, let's recap. We challenged both Jackie Chikambure, our…