Girlfriend Proposals: Love Upgrade or Total Hype?
4 days ago
In the spotlight of social media, where every photo and story is broadcasted to the masses, there's a fresh trend on the block—girlfriend proposals. Yep, you heard that right. Proposals aren't just for popping the big marriage question anymore; they've stylishly slid into the dating scene, igniting all kinds of buzz about their meaning and…
a month ago
Step into the bustling streets of Cape Town, and you're stepping into a world where the taxi culture isn't just transportation; it's the city's lifeblood, an ode to the spirit of its people. For those setting foot in the Mother City for the first time, be prepared for an immersive experience, a dive into the…
Amapiano: From South African Beats to Global Debates
a month ago
The main event at the 2024 Africa Cup of Nations wasn't the match between the South African and Nigerian teams; the real showdown occurred on Twitter with the Amapiano wars between South Africans and Nigerians. Not me logging in after the match and seeing a tweet saying, "Dear South Africans, Amapiano belongs to Nigerians now"…
Did you know?
Get to know the duo behind Matric Live!
2 weeks ago
Matric Live, is the flagship product of SAADC (Pty)ltd, an EdTech-focused software startup founded by Lesego Finger and later joined by Kagisho Masae. The company is on a mission to level the playing field for under-resourced children in South Africa. Finger's inspiration for starting an EdTech company came when he finished his final (Matric) year…
Did you know?
Why we dream
8 months ago
Have you ever woken up in the morning after the most perfect date night on top of the Eiffel Tower only to become disappointed to realize it was just another dream? Or perhaps you’ve experienced the reverse, waking up in the middle of the night with your heart thumping and sheets wet with sweat, only…
Did you know?
Did You Know? Jay-Z is Hip-Hop's first billionaire
11 months ago
From a controversial past, to releasing multi-platinum albums, winning multiple awards and marrying Beyonce, Jay-Z can now add being a billionaire to his ever growing list of achievements. Shawn Corey Carter, known by his stage name ‘Jay-Z’ has officially become a billionaire, according to an article by Forbes magazine. Jay-Z grew up in the Marcy…
Digital Literacy
Smart Clicks
2 months ago
I know what you’re thinking. “Here we go again, another post about not giving out my bank pin”. As someone who has navigated the internet since childhood, I understand how digital privacy can feel instinctive to us – the young digital natives. We know the drill: don't share personal info with unknown callers, guard your…
Digital Literacy
Hope Shines
2 months ago
In today's digital age, access to technology and online platforms is no longer just a luxury but a necessity. This remains a significant, ever-increasing barrier to education and employment for South African youth. With platforms like LinkedIn, the job recruitment process is only moving closer to being completely online and educational resources are becoming more…
Digital Literacy
Chatbots: Friends or Foes?
4 months ago
Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots have become an integral part of our daily lives in today's tech-savvy world. These digital companions have gained immense popularity and play a significant role in how we interact with technology. But as AI chatbots continue to evolve, it's essential to explore the question: Can an AI chatbot be your best…
From Bubble tea to Corn dogs
a year ago
Have you noticed how Korean culture is everywhere right now? From K-Pop to skincare, it seems like everyone is obsessed with all things Korean. So, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and try some popular Korean food to see if the hype is real. Now, let me tell you, Korean food is not for…
Owami Mhlongo: Putting your heart on a plate
2 years ago
Twenty-year-old Owami Mhlongo grew up in Pinetown KZN. She describes her childhood as having been “rocky” and this resulted in her spending a lot of time with her aunt and grandmother. It is from here though that she traces her love of food.  Now a practitioner in a fine-dining establishment, her earliest food memories are…
Some yummy chocolate facts
2 years ago
As a child growing up chocolate used to be such a luxury to taste or buy. The only time we could have it at my house was on the social grant day. My granny would wake up early to avoid the long lines and on her way back home she would buy the biggest chocolate…
Navigating Men's Body
a year ago
Hey guys, let's talk about the pressure to look good for men. We all know how it feels to scroll through social media and see images of guys with abs for days and chiselled biceps. But then, we're told that it's okay to have a #dadbod and not worry about our physique. So, what's the…
Breaking the Silence
a year ago
The recent shooting of South African rapper AKA has spotlighted the pervasive levels of violence in the country, particularly towards young black men. The shooting dredged up memories of my experience with gun violence a few years ago. I remember feeling scared, confused, and powerless at that moment, and the emotions have stuck with me…
From Late Texts to Fatherhood
a year ago
Safe sex is great sex, so better wear a latex if you don't want to get that late text, telling you, 'I'm late' text." Lil Wayne may have rapped these lyrics in his song Lollipop, but they hold more truth than some people realize. I didn't take this advice and received that dreaded late text…
Girl Talk
Thanks Diddy, this is why we’d choose the bear
6 days ago
The "man or bear" TikTok argument gained traction after the pop culture account Screenshot HQ posted a video in April asking eight women if they'd rather be stuck in a forest with a man or a bear. Seven women chose "bear," and one chose "man." Some women explained that they would choose the bear since…
Girl Talk
Sexuality vs. Objectification
2 weeks ago
Hey, let's talk about a tricky line we're all navigating: Walking the tightrope between embracing our sexuality and being sexualized? It’s tricky. Why? Because patriarchal norms - fuelled by everyone, yes, even women - often dictate how we show up in the world. Let’s dive into this battleground. I recently stumbled upon a post by…
Girl Talk
Mom's Pearls of Wisdom
3 weeks ago
Life doesn't come with an instruction manual; it comes with a mother. The love of a mother is enduring. Without the nurturing figures we regard as mothers—biological mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, sisters, aunts, and guardians—where and who would we be? They provide us with support, stability, and encouragement and help us realise our greatest potential at…
Balancing Act
a month ago
In an era obsessed with wellness, isn't it wild that chasing health can crank our stress levels? The wellness industry, booming with its promises of mental peace and physical health, sometimes overshadows the simple truth: striving for wellness should not cost us our peace of mind. This blog delves into stress in the wellness journey,…
Caught Napping
3 months ago
In today's fast-paced world, where the pressure to constantly perform and produce never seems to let up, napping emerges not just as an act of self-care but as a powerful tool for mental and physical rejuvenation. Taking our cue from the Nap Ministry, founded by Tricia Hersey, this movement champions napping as a form of…
Boost Your Wellness
5 months ago
Being healthy can be a challenge, but being unwell because of poor choices is even worse. Start 2024 off the right way and kick into gear. 2023 was a challenging year for many of us, but there’s no better time than now to leave the heartbreak and pain behind and start the new year in…
How to
Immune-boosting natural remedies
10 months ago
It has been cold, really cold, and now more than ever we experience symptoms of flu or the common cold. So, how do we combat them? Going to the doctor can be expensive and sitting for hours at the day hospital is no one’s idea of fun. If you are not seriously ill, and just…
How to
How to stand up for yourself
a year ago
If you’re shy and timid, standing up for yourself can seem like something out of your comfort zone and may seem unfamiliar. However, in certain situations, if you don’t stand up for yourself, people can walk all over you. Being assertive, which is simply being more confident, and standing up for yourself may take time,…
How to
New year, new me! Healthy eating on a tight budget
a year ago
More than ever before, people of all ages and walks of life are choosing to lead a heathier lifestyle in terms of their physical wellbeing and daily nutrition. Having the internet at our fingertips means we’re more conscious of the nutritional value of the food we put into our bodies. Unfortunately, the wealth of information…
How to
How to stay fit on a budget
a year ago
Fitness can be seen as a luxury in a country where many people don’t know what their next meal will be. Perhaps this is why, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), almost 40% of South Africans are physically inactive. But fitness is an important part of health, which is why in this blog we…
How to
Ke December on a limited budget
a year ago
It's that time of the year when we spend, spend and do some more spending. It's the festive season; we look forward to the best clothes and food. It's a time to celebrate Christmas, the new year, with the ones you love the most. But Januworry is also around the corner, a season for food,…
How to
How to make crumbly mielie pap
2 years ago
There is something primeval about mielie pap. Well, there is something ancient and basic and satisfying about all starches that serve as the backbone of meals in cultures around the world. That which accompanies whatever sauce or stew or condiment being served in most ordinary homes, is what fills the tummy and leaves you with…
How to
Here’s what you can do to beat exam stress
2 years ago
The exams are around the corner, and you are feeling stressed out. You can't seem to concentrate enough to study, or sleep properly, or think of anything else. What if you mess up? What if you fail? And is it just you getting stressed out by the thought of exams, or does everyone feel this…
How to
How to make butternut soup
2 years ago
Enjoy this recipe for Amanda’s you-betcha-it’s-just-butternut Butternut soup! One winter, when my now-husband and I were still getting to know each other, I invited him to my place for supper. On the menu was butternut soup. I had at that time only recently perfected the dish and was confident and keen to demonstrate my skills…
How to
How to reduce relationship stress
3 years ago
In an ideal world, a relationship is not something you should stress about. It is supposed to bring you warm feelings of support, love and happiness. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Each relationship faces its own challenges. As a result, it is normal to feel stressed out, worried or anxious when you spend…
How to
How to know if your partner is cheating
3 years ago
If you are reading this, then you probably suspect that your partner may be cheating on you but do not yet have concrete proof to back up your suspicions. When the truth about an affair comes out, it is simple to see that the warning signs were there all along—you just did not notice them.…
How to
How to pass your driver’s
3 years ago
Doing your driver’s licence test can be a stressful experience. I was one of those people who failed in the yard. I actually cried that day. Learning to drive is an emotional journey, it takes a lot of time, finances and even emotional strain. I cannot begin to tell you how much anxiety I had…
How to
How to eat healthy on a budget
3 years ago
For the longest time I’ve been trying to lose weight in my stomach area and I was just not managing it well. I was exercising often, but I wasn’t yielding the results that I expected. So, in my bid to become fit, I decided to lead a healthier lifestyle. I started my healthy journey by…
How to
How to take care of your skin
3 years ago
People often say, “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” which means outward appearance shouldn’t be a factor when you’re trying to know someone. But if you are someone who suffers from skin problems like acne, that’s the first thing people look at. As if the dark spots and pimples define who you are as…
How to
How to be street smart
3 years ago
What is Robbery? Robbery occurs when a person unlawfully takes property from another person or place by force, or by threatening to cause harm if they are not given what they demand. Robbers are normally armed with deadly weapons that they won’t hesitate to use to harm or kill a person that they are robbing.…
How to
How to make money from YouTube
3 years ago
“Hello and welcome to my YouTube channel!” is a phrase we’ve all gotten acquainted with over last few years. YouTube is a free online platform that helps you watch videos. You can also create your own video content and upload it to share with others. A YouTube channel is a space where you upload your…
How to
How to remember your dreams
3 years ago
So, you had this dream that woke you up midnight and you couldn’t wait to tell your family when everyone woke up in the morning. But now it’s the morning and you can’t seem to recall anything, how is this possible when it was all so vivid at 1am? If this is you, then this…
How to
How to grow your hair using rice water
3 years ago
I have very thin hair, due to overuse of a flat iron. I’ve been trying for years to grow it. I recently found a study that showed using rice water actually helps with the thickening of your hair and hair growth. Women in Asia have used rice water as a hair treatment for centuries, and…
How to
How to effectively work from home
3 years ago
Are you one of those people who was all fired up when you heard that you’d be working from home, but now months later you’re feeling way too sluggish for your own good and you’re not as productive as you could be? I’ll admit that I sometimes find myself stuck here. Lockdown at first was…
How to
How to de-stress
3 years ago
We live in such a fast-paced world; everything is instant, whether it’s social media or the ever-changing world of technology. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed, like everything is added pressure and there is no release. Stress does that to you, it corners you into this place of anxiousness, as if you are never going to…
How to
How to get rid of hiccups
3 years ago
Nearly everyone has had hiccups at one time or another. Most hiccups go away on their own without you having to try any remedies. Nevertheless, they can be annoying and can put you in embarrassing situations as they can strike you at any time without warning. Especially if they occur while you are eating or…
How to
How to release your own music
3 years ago
You have recorded a beautiful song and now you’re wondering how to get it out into the world. Look no further. Technology has made it easy to release music without the enormous cost of producing CDs. Did you know that you can now release music digitally and even monetise that process? A huge number of…
How to
How to spot fake friends
3 years ago
Don’t we all love to hate those people that come into our lives posing as friends but they turn around and speak ill of us? Wouldn’t you want to be able to spot these fake friends from a distance before you could tell them your darkest secrets? If your answer is yes, then this blog…
How to
How to make a bookmark
3 years ago
I don’t know about you, but I love a good book! It’s easy to get lost in your favourite novel and forget the world around you, but of course sooner or later we need to put the book down and carry on with our other activities. I used to save the mark on my book…
Life Advice
What Comic Characters Teach Us
12 months ago
When I was just a young comic book enthusiast, I was captivated by the awe-inspiring heroes and their unwavering dedication to using their extraordinary powers for the greater good. Like Uncle Ben wisely told Peter, the iconic Spider-Man, "With great power comes great responsibility." Witnessing these heroes embrace their responsibility ignited a deep admiration within…
Life Advice
Parent Power
a year ago
Parenthood is a remarkable journey that many of us may embark on someday, and as teenagers, it's essential to reflect on the profound impact parents have on our lives. On the occasion of the Global Day of Parents, we celebrate and honour the incredible dedication, love, and sacrifices that parents around the world make to…
Life Advice
Romance on a Budget
a year ago
Hey there, budget-conscious lovebirds! Who says you must break the bank to have a good time with your partner? Here are ten budget-friendly date ideas that will help you spark joy in your relationship without spending a fortune:​​ Go for a walk  As cliché as this may sound, taking a walk on the beach or…
What to do when you're feeling so low you can't get out of bed
2 weeks ago
Every morning, we each have our unique way of getting out of bed. But sometimes, you might find it tough to get up because of things happening in your life. Feeling a bit down now and then is normal. But when it starts happening a lot and makes you not want to get out of…
You’re not too old or too fat
2 weeks ago
“You need to obtain your degree by 22 if you have any hope of a long career in corporate.” “If you’re not married by 25, you can forget about having kids in your lifetime.” “You used to be so skinny when you were younger, what happened?” If you’ve heard any of the above statements, you…
Unplugging for Sanity
2 months ago
"May you live in interesting times”: a blessing or a curse? The age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is upon us, and never has a phrase crossed my mind so often as this one does today. In today’s technologically driven world, I often find stepping back and observing my place difficult. Never before have I…
Money Matters
Job-hunting is whack
3 weeks ago
“We regret to inform you that you have not obtained this job.” “We will keep your résumé on file should a similar position open up.” “Thank you for taking the time to apply, but we will not be moving forward with you for the recruitment of this job.” If you have received any of the…
Money Matters
350 Degrees or R350: The Heat is On in South Africa
2 months ago
In an intriguing twist of fate, the question of "350ºF or R350" slices through two vastly different worlds - the kitchen and the economic reality of young South Africans. On the one hand, the culinary advice from a 2015 article, “What’s so special about 350 degrees Fahrenheit (350ºF)?” reveals that while baking at 350ºF is…
Money Matters
How Trauma Affects Our Relationship with Money
3 months ago
Growing up poor usually motivates people to work hard and strive for financial stability and security. I find, however, that underneath all this culture of working and overworking lies a reality we do not discuss as a Black community of people who were previously disadvantaged: the impact of childhood trauma on our relationship with money.…
People on the move
Curator Phokeng Setai
7 months ago
Phokeng is a name to be reckoned with in the art world in South Africa. Hailing from Bloemfontein and at 31 years old, he is a curator in Cape Town and has worked at Zeitz MOCAA, the world-famous art museum in Cape Town. His work is multi-disciplinary, as he recently completed his PhD in Anthropology…
People on the move
Get gaming with Tshepiso
9 months ago
Meet Tshepiso Malema, the visionary entrepreneur on a mission to close the technology gap for young people in townships, all through the enchantment of gaming. It all started when he first laid his hands on an Xbox at a friend's place. "I was whisked away to different worlds. Gaming showed me that it can transport…
People on the move
Get to Know Yandisa Peko, Astrophysicist
10 months ago
Get ready to swoon over Yandisa Peko, who set Twitter on fire with her jaw-dropping graduation photo and an oh-so-cool caption that read, "UCT Astrophysics and Science Space graduate." We may not all be astrophysicists, but one thing is crystal clear: this field demands some serious brainpower, especially when it comes to subjects like math…
Stand Up, Speak Out, Vote for Change!
6 days ago
This is for YOU, youth! We are just a few days away from the elections. The power of our collective voices cannot be emphasised enough! We are at a turning point, and young people's active participation is more important than ever. South Africa is at a crossroads, and decisions made today will have long-term consequences…
Stop Telling Us To Vote
a week ago
Before our people were allowed to vote, they organised. As young people who look back, we look back and see an empowered civic society. Organised and defiant communities, waging war against an insurmountable evil. We look back and see both the ruins and the foundations of another future. A stolen future. We look on helplessly…
Mothers of Liberation
2 weeks ago
As Mother's Day has passed, we're reminded not only of the love and care that mothers provide but also of the journey towards freedom and justice that the courageous actions of women have shaped. These individuals stand out as beacons of resilience, courage, leadership, and responsibility for their own destiny and that of others. Their…
A Celebration or a Struggle?
a month ago
Every year, 1 May serves as both a marker of progress and a stark reminder of the lingering challenges in the labour market. Originally born from the late 1800s push for workers' rights, Workers' Day has evolved into a complex symbol of both triumph and ongoing struggle, particularly in South Africa. Since the first democratic…
Thirsting for Change
a month ago
Facing the ultimate challenge of our times, South Africa's youth must lead the charge against the climate crisis and shape our future. As our country's future leaders and workforce, it is essential to realise that South Africa is not only one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change but is affecting our country right…
Confronting Shadows
3 months ago
At Fundza, we recognise the nuanced challenges that racism continues to present in South African society. As we observe Black History Month in America, a time dedicated to recognizing the significant contributions and struggles of African Americans, we're reminded of the universal struggle against racial prejudice and discrimination. As we reflect on the progress made…
My Road to Awareness
4 months ago
I recently saw a post on Twitter/X asking readers what moment radicalised them. Radicalise is such an intense word. I’d like to rephrase the question: When did you know that the world is unfair and that you should do something about it? This article is my story. My answer to this question. With elections coming…
Now let’s get in formation
6 months ago
We live in the age of socio-political movements spread through digital platforms and applications like posts and tweets. We have figureheads like Beyonce calling us to attention and have registering to vote made easier to do through online portals. However, as a student, I have seen many individuals my age shrug off the chance to…
My matric ball
8 months ago
The matric dance was a chance for me to make beautiful memories. It's something I will take with me to University or College. It's something I can use to remember my friends, my classmates and my school. At first I was really nervous when I thought about the matric ball. I've never worn a formal…
Tiktok slang for 2023
a year ago
What makes TikTok aka the clock app unique? It has to be the sense of familiarity as it recognises the smallest of things that we do daily, from skincare to chores or even mannerisms.  TikTok can be both general, but can also be quite niche, which helps people not feel like outsiders or weird for…
Is flirting cheating?
a year ago
Imagine being on Instagram and seeing a certain post that your partner liked and commented on. The comment is something along the lines of  ‘Beautiful (heart emoji)’. You confront your partner and they don't see anything wrong with what they did, to them it was just harmless flirting with a friend. Was it harmless flirting…
But What Does It Meme?
a year ago
Have you ever been going through something, and you just didn’t know how to explain it? Then, when you’re scrolling online, you find a meme that is so wickedly funny, so *relatable* that you finally feel seen? Finding the right meme helps you confirm that other people have experienced something similar to you. It’s like…
“Let’s go all out.”
a year ago
We arrived at Waterfront for a night of good food and amazing company. My boyfriend asked me to choose the restaurant that we’d go to that evening. I felt under so much pressure because I know I’m so indecisive, so I got a recommendation for a restaurant at Waterfront for a place called Sevruga. I…
Come with us: The Mother City Edition
a year ago
Cape Town has so much to offer. There’s Table Mountain, the Waterfront, Robben Island, Kirstenbosch, and so much more. If you’re planning a trip to Cape Town or if you’re a local already, then there’s no better way to travel than by the City Sightseeing red buses. It was a sunny Wednesday morning; we ubered…
My ticket to freedom
2 years ago
I have always been too embarrassed and ashamed to admit this: When I see this train, I am reminded of a time when I had to forge train tickets in order to go to school. The ticket below has a QR code. So it would be impossible to forge now. Below is the what I…
Gugu’s Gogo Demands Respect
2 years ago
Soaking her sore swollen feet and enjoying a hot cup of tea was all that was on Gog’ Vatiswa’s mind as she sat in the Venture taxi. At 79 years of age, standing in a queue for most of the day to receive her Sassa grant was no fun. “This government really doesn’t care about…
Student Life
Stress, Sleep, Study
a year ago
As a student and a full-time employee, I know firsthand how difficult it can be to balance the demands of school, work, and personal life. Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in deadlines and responsibilities, and it can be hard to find the time to just breathe and relax. But I've learned that with some…
Student Life
Tips for Crushing Your University Applications!
a year ago
Are you ready to kickstart your journey towards higher education and crush your university applications? Whether you're the first in your family to consider university or seek guidance, fear not because we've got you covered. In this article, we'll dive into all the practical tips and resources you need to prepare for university applications like…
Student Life
Unleash the fun: Holiday Activities To Make the Most of Your Time Off School!
a year ago
It's that time of the year again - school holidays are finally here! It's the perfect time to take a well-deserved break from studying and focus on exploring new interests and learning new things. School holidays are an excellent opportunity to recharge, bond with friends and family, and engage in activities that promote personal growth…
Style Secrets
Skin Cycling
11 months ago
In the vast world of beauty and skincare trends, a recent buzz has been around skin cycling. Popularised by dermatologist Dr Whitney Bowe on TikTok, this nighttime skincare routine focuses on using fewer products in a specific way to achieve healthier-looking skin. Let's delve into the routine and explore what experts have to say about…
Style Secrets
Having your best Glow up
12 months ago
Have you ever experienced a glow-up? You know, that amazing process of positive personal transformation that involves changes to your appearance and style and even boosts your confidence? It's all about embracing who you are, making healthy changes physically and mentally, and being happy in your own skin. I had the chance to chat with…
Style Secrets
Thrifting or Vintage Shopping?
a year ago
As a teen or young adult, you might be wondering how you can make a positive impact on the environment while still enjoying fashion. The good news is that there is a growing trend of thrifting and vintage shopping in South Africa that allows you to do just that! One of the biggest benefits of…
Word Of the Week
New year, new me
a year ago
So it’s that time of the year again. You know, the time when you hear many people say, “New year, me.” It is very common to start a new year's resolution on this day. This can be to give something up, like sweets or chocolate, so you can be healthier. Example scenarios: “This year is…
Word Of the Week
a year ago
It's that time of the year when boys become men, this traditionally happened between the ages of 16 and 26, though for health and safety concerns the South African government made it illegal for a boy under the age of 18 to go to initiations school. The ceremony is when mothers can show off their…
Word Of the Week
Slay, not sleigh
a year ago
I’m sure you’ve heard or even read in the comment section on social media when girls or women praise each other by saying, “Slay, queen!” According to slay, in this particular context, means, “to do something spectacularly well,” especially when it comes to fashion, artistic performance, or self-confidence.” Example scenarios: When your bestie posts…
Work Etiquette
9 months ago
Starting a new job can be stressful, and once you’ve gone through the interview process, things can seem a little bit easier. But you should be mindful of how you conduct yourself at work. There are some things that may not be wise to share at work, there are some things that may not be…
Young and Unemployed
12 months ago
In the challenging landscape of youth unemployment, Tasneem Eckardt, a 23-year-old from Mitchell's Plain, finds herself among the countless young individuals grappling with the daunting task of securing employment, particularly with no prior work experience fresh out of high school. According to the latest data from StatsSA's Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) for the first…
YES for Youth Employment
12 months ago
Youth unemployment is at an all-time high, with 62,1% of the youth unemployed in South Africa. To help address this issue, the Youth Employment Service (YES), also known as Yes4Youth, was established in 2018 and has created over 107 355 jobs. YES is an non-profit organisation funded by the private sector. The YES programme aims…