Our home is beautiful

Without you it’d be awful

You cover the whole earth

From the edges of the north

Till to the edges of the south

Also from the edges of the west

Till to the edges of the east

You nurture all kinds of beast

You’re an imperishable carpet 

Autumn-winter you die out

But still you allure many eyes

But in spring-summer you sprout

Green carpet you can stand a drought

Dews saturate you during the night

All will melt out during the sunlight

Green carpet no other carpet like you

You’re the carpet of ages

You first over laid in Garden of Eden

Your green color it’s well spoken

They say color green it means fertile-rich

This they even confirm it in Cambridge

And there’s no where you can’t reach

You widen yourself from Europe-Africa

You cross the oceans to South America

Paddle by boat to islands of Madagascar

Nobles they’re fascinated by red carpet

While you green carpet you fascinates me 

They wear scarlet clothes with bracelet

If you can see them walking you’ll melt

They all walk with pride locally- overseas

Indeed this is the life of model C’s

I guess this is how each one feels

On green carpet I know how it feels

I am not noble so I walk on green carpet

It doesn’t require honors, bachelor; degree

As a bachelor I feel honored to walk on it

On the certain degree I enthusiastically step on it

Green carpet you’re impartial unlike red one

You allow me as lowly person to walk on you

You even allow all kind of animals too

Herbivores, omnivores they fed on you

You prevent soil erosion

You don’t be upset even if we ruin you

Wow this is so sweet of you!

My folks from Fundza and I we walk on you on daily basis

Red carpet it only for special occasions

On green carpet we feel special occasionally

We’re nothing to be treated like this even annually

What a privilege! We feel so special!

Our green carpet can attract the eye

I can only imagine that special day

Seeing her walking down the green carpet isle

With her modest walk her smile I won’t believe my eyes

Wearing that wedding gown she’s so beautiful

Our wedding day would be historical

Green carpet you’re meaningful

In you I learn to be modest; humble

You’ll ever green in greenish style

Until your role it fully accomplish

All dues to your Weaver!

Written by:

S’thembiso Sydney Mseezane