Mine Workers

They’re so tiny yet fearless

Come observe their ways

They’re full of wisdom 

Wisdom of how to work

Wisdom of where to work

Wisdom of when to work

Wisdom of what to work for

Some are reddish in colour

Some are blackish in colour

They work in open casts

They even work underground

Deep deep in the belly of the earth

Searching, digging, drilling for the minerals

Precious gems of the earth

They toil for copper, silver, gold, platinum,

On these they make living

On these they get their earnings

But their sweat isn’t equal their wage

Still their industrious spirit awe inspiring

They work in harmony in peace

They appreciate each other by kiss

 They prepare their food in summer

Through their high sense of smell

Able to gather their food in harvest

They conceal themselves in winter

Don’t intimidate by their tinniest

They are strongest creatures in relation to their size

Because single mine worker can carry fifty times its bodyweight

And they even work together to move big object as a group

Mine workers they carry leaves

Mine workers they carry twigs back to their nests

These are their capabilities and abilities 

I hope the indolent ones learn from them

Mine workers are from the family of Formicidae

Indolent ones they’re not welcomed in their community

They live for four years yet in the fullest!

Written by: Sthembiso Sydney Msezane