Run your race, at your pace.
NEVER feel discouraged to see someone hitting the bow at a finishing line. It is their time to shine, yours too will come and you’ll glow in excitement when that time arrives. In the meantime be patient with yourself and keep on moving forward. You were born powerful and purposeful, don’t waste it to the ground by looking at other people. You will trip and fall, life is not a competition and the sooner you let it grow inside of you the better.
The only competition you should have is that within yourself, between your negative devious-self and positive-Holy you, fighting to take over inside of you. That is a battle to take on, compete and win the positive side of you, to rule over your jungle with great principles. Take the crown, Queen and rule with positivity.
“Run your own race, with your own pace”, do not worry about time, you will get there. Be willing to work hard for your future, as you wait for it to be successful and luxurious as you imagine. The competition will slow down your progress, it will discourage you to dream and plan beyond measures.

You are your own breed, remember that. You are unique, you came to the world holding a different kind of light in you. And a different kind of strength, thus never be sorry to embrace yourself. Never feel like you are below anyone because the truth is nobody lies anywhere under anyone else, we were all brought up with a spark.

We only chase what we envy to have for ourselves, not people. Learn to praise others and to congratulate them when they succeed. Better fill up your energy with people’s successes, let them motivate you to move smart. Although some people see it as a great motivator, competition can only invite depression and jealousy over those who won the race. The competition will remind you of how unworthy you are and how you are not good enough.

Of course, it may have been and still is used as a perfect motivator for students and learners in school, so as to make them pull up their socks in the game. But for those who do not manage to get to the top of the class based on their intellectual capacity although they work hard, they tend to get worked out.

Imagine working so hard every day so as to get the highest marks than Joe. Then it just turns out that you never even manage to get closer to what Joe get in his scripts, which may be tiring for learners. They may start feeling like the school thing is not their thing. But, when they learn to live by running a race of their own with good intentions, and working hard to make their future look clearer, the energy could increase more as they keep on convincing themselves that they are the best. The best in their own world, soon that will reciprocate the energy to make them move like they’re being recharged.

Be careful not to miss steps, because every step you take in life helps you to move better to the next level. Do not be in a rush, you may crush. Of course, they say “You only live once”, that “tomorrow is not promised to anyone” but however, do not be trapped by the words, do not rush into living in dangerous territories when you got no backbone.

The “life is too short” trends, I do not follow, and I also urge you not to follow. Is it guaranteed? that indeed your life is too short in a way that you could decide to waste it? No, it’s not. But Afterall we know that our lives are like a movie ticket, there is a point of expiring but as for a specific day, nobody knows it except for the creator in heaven. Thus, never feel like you have to keep things snappy, course you may miss out on some important things behind, which are supposed to be the keys to help in opening your doors ahead, assets to help you build into the perfect shape you wish to be in.

And up to now, we all have learnt that of course Time is money, but for as long as you make the best use of every moment, never will you ever regard any move you made as a waste. Grace took 2 hours to write, type and submit an assignment within that specified time interval, and everyone who saw her submitting two weeks before submission felt like they were not keeping up with school work. While, little did they know that Grace did not thoroughly check the assessment, there were errors everywhere in her assignment, answers being shorter than expected and wrong. Then, there is Mary who submitted her assignment 2 days before the due date, her work was all up to date, with no spelling and grammatical errors, the answers were full and extended to blow a mind.

My point with the scenarios which I have provided is that sometimes we find motivation where there is no motive at all. Grace had a lot of time left that she could have used to put in extra effort in the assessments. But she chose to rush into being the first individual who submits so as to be recognized by the teacher.

Sometimes we are fast to react to our own life looking at the wrong reflection of others that seems perfect while the true image is blurry. Grace rushed to submit, she only wanted to get done with the assessment, you will bet her purpose was not overly where you thought it is. Most of the times learners tend to start rushing to make submissions just because they saw one person who did, and it becomes unfortunate when they miss-steps and get to fail because they made silly mistakes like they were out of watch. They lose focus by deciding on looking at another direction which is not their path to fulfil their goals.

Mary happened to score more points than Grace because she decided to mind her own life and decided to use the whole time to put her things in order. it is very clear that she had a purpose to master the assignment. Mary was patient enough to wait for the due date while she was busy walking at her own pace, and that led her to green pastures.

Do not lose your way as an individual by focusing so much on other people’s affairs or ways of doing things. A wise man once said “great things take time”, even the bible quotes “He that is patient, is governed with much wisdom: but he that is impatient, exalteth his folly proverbs14:29”. Learn to be patient with yourself and the world, you will bounce to live in the galaxy when your day comes.