She’s an epitome of beauty that hides behind filters because social media has made her think she owes the world perfection -a perfect body ,and a clearer skin.She doesn’t feel beautiful unless she puts on a weave or wears make up.The roots of her insecurities stem from the experiences of her childhood but her friends were the common denominators -they teased her a lot about her weight and complexion.

“You are too pale and your face has a lot of pimples”

Of course that hurt her a lot ! because all she wanted was to look pretty perhaps like all the women she idolized.She wasn’t popular at school , because she felt out of place with her friends looking all good and her struggling with acne and it didn’t help much that she was underweight too.

“Maybe I should put on 3 tights and wear a Jean on top,I’d definitely look a bit fat and my friends will stop teasing me about my weight”

Her insecurities grew bigger by the day and she didn’t realise that it would affect her future relationships -she feels threatened by every female that greets her boyfriend,constantly asks if she’s beautiful enough because she feels like her boyfriend is a big league for her ,and she runs her pictures through her friends before she can upload them on social media ,less likes or no comments are a thorn in the flesh for her .She wants to be told she’s beautiful before she can feel like it .She seeks validation from the world .

Little does she know that there are girls who feel threatened by her beauty, and that she doesn’t owe the world a flat tummy, clearer skin ,and society’s list of “a perfect chipi “,she’s effortlessly beautiful and she doesn’t need make up to prove it .She’s beautiful with her big forehead ,chubby cheeks ,flawed skin and stretch marks.She’s a dime plus 99 ,and she should own her beauty . Her eyes reminds me of proverb that says “beauty Is in the eyes of a beholder”? ,a beautiful queen with a beautiful heart .

Will she wallow in her insecurities or finally realise her worth ?perhaps fairy Godmother might just come to the rescue like she did with Cinderella or her saving grace might just be “herself”