Abuti Mmutla ha a rate sekolo hohang – a ka mpa a qeta letsatsi lohle a le diphateng lapeng labo! O leka ka matla ho thetsa Nkgono Mmutla hore a se ke a ya sekolong, empa Nkgono o mo qobella ho ya sekolong. Kahoo Abuti Mmutla o sala Ausi Mmutla morao ka lesisitheho le leholo. Mme o qetella a nahanne leqheka le leng la ho dula hae letsheare lohle. Empa na letsatsi la hae le tla ba monate jwaloka ha a nahanne?
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This story was provided courtesy of the Nal’ibali reading-for enjoyment campaign. For information about the campaign, or tips and ideas on how to read and share stories with children, visit www.nalibali.org