I saw people hating my success
I have not time
To hate them back
Their minds do not know
How hard I suffered
To achieve success
I saw people leaving
My life because of my failures
They see me as if I am all costumed
With failure
Their minds do not know
That failure
Is a step towards success
I saw people suffering
Before my own naked eyes
But since I had nothing to offer
I asked God to give them
What they needed
In their life
I saw girls denying my proposal
Their mouths uttered that I had nothing
My mind tried telling their ears
That all I had in me was love
But their eyes saw
The poverty that held firmly
In my life
With a deadly disease dancing in my life
I saw my own mama
Hating my existence in her life
As if I was out there
Committing some crimes
her mind didn’t know
That I was still human
As I wake up every morning
With a smile rising from
My cheeks, I always thank God
Because he has shown me
What the world is injected with