She started to shake inside,
Feeling sick with anger and distrust
Now that the culprit that broke her heart was back in town.
The past memories were clouding her judgement.

Neither do I care.
As a far I am concerned the past is over . . Dead . . Finished.
She was immature and inexperienced to believe in love and think that it will last forever.
Thoughts she didn’t want to acknowledge started to surface.
Before he left her she thought she was part of his life plan.
When he uttered ‘I love you’ she believed he meant he would always love her.

There is no reason to start over again.
She could still smell the scent of his skin.
When she closed her eyes she could hear the sound of his breathing echoing in her ears.
She thrilled to the knowledge that her touch excited him.
How treacherous her heart made her,
Recalling the slightly rough sensation of pleasure, the delicate friction caressing her lips.

It was him who made it hard for her to be loved again.
Because of him she distrusted her own judgement.
One of the hardest things to believe is that love is synonymous with desire.

When will you realise that you are depriving yourself of happiness
Due to the lack of moving on and facing reality?
That you are actually in love with the person that you dread to hate so much?
The only solution is to admit you love him and find joy.

Why did he not utter the words?
In fairy tales it is always the man expected to make moves.
But men aren’t Gods.
There are only human with their feelings.
They suffer from all sorts of doubts, fears that we woman experience.
They need the comfort of knowing they are wanted:
Chosen and loved, valued.

I played hard to get cause I was scared of my own feelings.
I thought you would find me vulnerable and weak.
The love I have for you has overwhelmed me to forget the past things you did to me.
I cannot live in this world without you.
Your mistakes no longer matter and I can forget them.
It’s only my heart and emotions that you have touched that draw me to you.
No man alive can do that – touch my soul rather than my body.