Now everyone wants
I-me-mine me-first
At the feeding trough
The everyday
Of our democracy
Fresh it is still
In the making
A new generation
#hashtagging the old
(is there more to fall
As everything chartered
Is not as election-promised)
Now everyone wants
To participate in reading
At Nkosinathi primary
An Asidi beneficiary
(the learners’ attitudes
Are different we hear
From a grade 3 teacher)
At a good school
I can be successful
Another learner declares
We see an end to mud
Schools and other obstacles
To effective learning
(And a minister showboats
Out at valhalla primary
Albeit delivery’s snail’s pace)
Now everyone wants
Is that not what is wanted
And what is wanting too
See ‘At a good school, I can be successful’ and “Obstacles to effective learning”, Cape Times, October 10 2016, in which Luzuko Sidimba and Nika Soon-Shiong of Equal Education look at the government’s multi-billion rand Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Development Initiative (ASIDI).