My father came back from work to find my younger sisters and me curled up by the threshold of our front door. Tears gathered at the corner of my eyes as I elevated to my feet and charged at him, fuming. I pried into his eyes for any hidden expression.

“What’s going on, Dad, why are you selling our house? It’s my mom’s bloody sweat for goodness sake!”

“Mind your tone when you’re addressing me, child!” he horsed. “Your aunt Rebecca is on her way to fetch you, get yourselves ready. You’re leaving for the village tonight!”

“Village? What about school?”

“I don’t have money to waste on these expensive private schools! You’re going to attend school that side, get going.”

I knew that his mistress had put him up to this. He was getting rid of his kids to impress her? It had been barely a month since Mom passed.


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