Am I always going to be alone? Nandi asked herself, sitting in English class. Mr Dube never stopped talking but all Nandi was thinking about was Mzi sitting in front of her. Nandi asked herself: Am I ever going to get a boyfriend? Then boring old Mr Dube stood in front of her, but boy-crazy Nandi didn’t notice him.

Mr Dube said, “Nandi, is there something you want to tell us?” Waving his hand in front of her face.

Nandi was so ashamed she instantly turned tomato red. She saw everyone staring at her and laughing. She saw Mzi not laughing, he was just looking at her sadly. The period went very slowly and Nandi would look at the clock. It looked like it was just standing still.

Finally it was break. Everyone scattered to where they sat. Mzi approached Nandi and asked her if she was fine. She felt so special. He was her crush from Grade 10, and now she was Grade 12. When she tried to talk, she couldn’t. Then she said “I love you.”

She couldn’t believe that came out of her mouth. Mzi just smiled and said, “I like you too, as a friend.” Nandi’s heart just broke into pieces. She tried to avoid Mzi all day. She felt like it was the worst day.

Nandi lay on her bed thinking why she was so fat and ugly. From that day on, Nandi wore clothes that would cover her body. She had no more self-confidence. She would sit in the corner feeling the worst, ugly and boring.

The next day, God answered Nandi’s prayers because a new boy came to school. Nandi went and introduced herself to Sfiso and they became friends. Sfiso was in Nandi’s science, chemistry and maths classes, and they were always partners. They were so close it was like they went to the same preschool.

He was Nandi’s first real friend and they got along so well. One day, Sfiso wrote a letter but did not have the guts to send it. He still acted the same but deep down he had other feelings. Whilst the two best friends were having fun, Mzi was just becoming more jealous by the day. Mzi was trying to be hard-to-get but in his heart be loved Nandi truly. He couldn’t say that because he was scared she would reject him and he would be embarrassed. Then he thought that he could write a letter and sneak it into her bag. But at the same time, Sfiso was thinking about the same idea.

The two boys snuck the two letters into Nandi’s bag at different times. It was a Friday afternoon and the sun was shining and Nandi sat down to get a break. She sighed, looking in her bag for her sandwiches but when she looked up and wanted to offer Sfiso a sandwich, he was nowhere to be seen. When she looked in her bag again she saw two envelopes addressed to her and she recognised the handwriting. She opened one and read it…

Dear Nandi
I have hid all my feelings and now I want to tell it to you. I know all you see in me is a friend but I see more than that and I would like you to tell me if you feel the same.
Love from

The other one said…

Dear Nandi
I know I said I like you as a friend but in the time I felt more than that. I am not sure if you still feel the same way. Please tell me if you feel the same way.
Love from.

The walk home was long. Surprised, Nandi was just thinking who to choose and what to do as she lay on her bed. Monday came and Nandi did not know what to do. The two boys were standing at the gate waiting for her. It was Nandi’s decision to make…


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