FunDza launched its LoveWriting platform on 3 December. And, from this date there will be feedback only if a piece has been reviewed but not published.
For content submitted before this date, essays and stories that are more than 500 words in length may receive feedback from FunDza editors. But poetry sent in prior to this will not be edited – it will simply be uploaded in the Unfiltered section on the site.
There are lots of resources on the site that can help you to improve your writing – we hope that you will use these.
Want to find out more about getting published as a Fanz writer? Try out these links:
How do I use LoveWriting?
I sent you my work but you haven’t got back to me. Why?
Will people read my work?
What are the rules about sending in writing work?
If I send you work and then ask you to remove it, will you?
I want to write… but not in English. Will it be published?