Sometimes just sometimes

You will find that loyalty amd communication are still there

But love is the only thing that’s gone

You pray that the spark to comes back

You hope that love will come around

But your mind already know that it’s gone and it’s gone forever

It may take pregnancy for you to release you were never meant for each other in the first place,you were just caught up in love land and that’s why everything felt right.

Now your mind and third eye is open,you wish you can start over but I’m afraid it’s too late.

Sometimes just sometimes

Things happen for a reason

Tell me why you’ve never had that reason in your mind?

Tell me why do we have to believe in things that we completely have no knowledge of?

Tell me why everything complicated has to be believed by many but its truth is not known by a single person?

Even asking these questions feels like pointing your own finger into your forehead

Why do we need to suffer in order to become the stronger versions of ourselves?

Why when I’m sad or mad do I need to cry my lungs out in order to feel a little better on the next day?

Why do we agree to disagree,when we can just pick one and be united?

Things have changed,love comes with pain and that’s why it’s doesn’t excite me anymore being told that I’m loved

And hate comes with fake love that might feel like it’s real and you might lose yourself in the process

I can only wish to live in a different world where everything is vise versa and see how my life would turn up to be

If living comes with so much suffering and pain

Death must be the nicest thing