In the pitch black dark night.

She lies awake face facing up

Lost in the wilderness, hunted by memories

With a limping hope and a screaming brain

Her mind is, but a familiar land

Is it the late night texts, the sound of her voice or the love she cherished that’s amiss?

Is it the inside jokes, the look in her eyes or her once upon a time kind soul that kept them going?

If not an illusion or delusion, Eros’ testimony shall bare me witness

Love so pure it put an infant’s innocent smile to shame

Is one ever immune to the sound of a shredding heart?

“Clear!” Said one doctor, trying to keep it alive

Little did she know, the lifeline had already retired for bed

This time it hit different, there’s not a drop from the cracks

Yet she can feel the angry waters crashing against her stubborn cold shield

Maybe not today or tomorrow, the rain is coming

And a beautiful day is foreseen after a dreadful storm