I’m lost for the fifth time

I don’t see any familiar face

Asking each and everyone for direction

I don’t even know the location

Heroines need a poem as a dedication

Honestly I do need a vacation

Repenting is my daily bread as a Christian

Writing is my everyday’s distraction

Escaping reality is how I excel, I could get a distinction

God is my healer ’cause I’m a believer

‘Lost in an agony and anger

trying to fight but I’m not a soldier

trying to fight but I’m not a boxer

I’m a talented and powerful writer

Fighting word by word, a pen is my sword

Depression once visited, but I chased it out

let me go do what I do best

Crying my lungs out in the midst of a twilight till I slept

wondering when will I ever have a goodnight’s sleep

Whispering to myself that it’s going to be okay

Digging to find the pieces that I’ve LOST