Don’t worry about it

Don’t worry about Me 

I suppose 

you were right all along

it’s hard to admit

but yes, I was wrong 

I had it all figured out

how I would live it all out

with giggles and smiles

till the very end 

Alas, my dear

I’ll have to leave you all out

and even leave you behind 

do you hear  

Be strong and engulf

the flames, of this ballad of thoughts.

I wasn’t strong enough

but I know I have fought

and before it gets rough

I’ll bring this road to a halt. 

This delusion of better days 

has become a headache 

and a recurring heartache

For the waterfalls,

off which, my tears have flown

has run dry

and enabled my wings to grow 

And yes, my dear

I was weak all along

but this week made me strong 

Enough to break up 

with this heartache called life

and go on a date with her other half 

for even though 

I know they say, that other half, is

cunning and dismal to the eye…

My dreams convince me otherwise 

and my heart convince me past the skies 

Where she and I

can kiss and cry

a joyous waterfall

beneath the clouds

of our panacean regimes

Hence I’ll 

watch this blade

as sharp as it is

bleed reflections of me

and bloodstains off my ribs

before pushing it in once more

just beneath, the bottom of my heart 

before watching 

 the heaviness,

ugliness of life splurging out

and the beauty of death

enlightening me of her scent

as sweet n shallow as it is

that I have to close my eyes

to comprehend

the complexity of her encrypted smile 

and the odyssey of her lips,

also the, oozing of her hips

as she models towards me

with engorged, gorgeous eyes 

While the 

erroneous lies come free

as the life I once held dear

stems free from my empty hands.

How silent n careless can she be

to not even come, calmly 

to say her final goodbyes 

surely I say

Life be not Proud…

And to think that

she’s willing to let me go

without a fight 

as though I never defended her 

whenever her ugly side 

bothered Me, like she didn’t care

over and over again… 

I won’t say it loud

but I’ll proudly admit that

the sweetest lie

and it’s bittersweet taste

would be to falsely deny

my own heart of admitting, anymore,

that death is beautiful 

and wherever she takes me,

along the freedom of my heart,

I’d gladly lie.. 

Even if Nande tries 

to ring me again

with a reverse apology 

for her break up message,  

 admitting her wrongs

and leaving her fears

in-salted through my tears