There are times I wanted to let go. Quit everything. Well, I almost did. Nothing worked for me, my world turned upside down, everything seemed to blur. I was crushed, devastated, even my reflection left me. My path was filled with thorns and it almost killed what was inside of me. But hey, I was equally stubborn to let the wave destroy what I took years to build. This is just a portion of my story which is to be told next time.
Waves, surges, thunderstorms, lightning, conflagration, name it all, shouldn’t come between you and your Destiny, because none of it all can stand tall and defeat you when you decide to stand no matter the adversity.
Every Day Wake Up With A Positive Attitude, Walk With Your Head High and say these words:
“My Condition Cannot Define Who I am but My Strength, Positivity and Courage.”
Read that Againπ