He said don’t play the game they’re playing as they put you in social media groups to mock, gossip and tarnish your name.

He said let your timeline be of a educational purposes and emotional healing for the victims of the situation.

He said they don’t want you to receive any source of help! They renew the spells of death and hatred everytime help seems to come your way.

He said your talents and gifts are recognized yet doubt is instilled in your destiny helpers and your peers laughs at your tears of years, yet they do not know the glory that is to be revealed.

He said their lies spread like a contagious virus, envious hearts resides within he them, and they went to the jealous school of excellence.

He said don’t worry about the character and personality that they’ve tarnished, I will rebuild you because I know the end from the beginning.

Be of a good courage all will fall into place best believe.