
Just to summarise I have a book called Messages to Eve, it will tell you every detail of the Greek language spoken in the bible. The genes that speak to the one who wants to learn, things you might be doing aswell but not know, but back to basics. Adam had his first 2 kids with Eve because of a serpent from the forbidden tree.

The kids are Kayn (I will name him Adam the Alpha to summarise this) , Abel (I will name him Eve a transformergender, representing Eve).

There were only 2 at first. Just like on my story THE GRADUATE published with Fundza one of his sons was a farmer growing trees and making Eden once more for his parents, the other was a farmer who slaughters animals for food because of the blessing of killing a SNAKE bestowed on him, YEHOVAH choose one just like in all horror movies and that time it was not the Forbidden Tree which killed Abel, it was Yehovah’s favouritism that led to Kayn (John 1 to be scared of sin) and Abel (John 2 to submit to anything on his short life).

They were offering 2 just 2 offers they could find of their use after their parents left the “so called great home, EDEN.”

Once again Eve’s player (Abel) dies from being feminine not by giving birth this time but as a MAN.

It clearly shows after that when Kayn left his home they never related with Seth the 3rd child. They had 2 of 3 children with similar names on their offsprings. You can only understand it when you read my book called Messages to Eve on stores soon.

All things 7

7 days of the week

7 (God, Adam, Eve, Kayn, Abel, Seeth, Enos)

( read more on Messages to Eve to find out more about Illuminati, words and their meaning including my intro the Face of God)


is a chapter in the bible that tells a story of a man sent by God. More like Adam again.

John 1

Explains sin and repenting from sin. He will talk of the 7 everything’s in John’s chapter. Read all seven verses and tell me the message of John in all his chapters. John 1 is long like the life of Kayn, Adam’s first son with 5 chapters.

John 2

Explains submission it shows a child who is ready to die on behalf of Abel. It is short like his life with 13 verses.

John 3

Is just 15 verses, just over John 2.

Revelations of John

Are like Facebook to me, comments/letters from John’s Facebook Account, mutual friends commenting on John’s post. Cool is it not, the olden days chatting.


A man blessed with followers is actually the Mark from the bible.

For example bishop with churchgoers as his followers, a businessman with buyers as followers etc.

Mc is an abbreviation of Mark from the bible who was a man blessed with followers like McDonald, Mcfisher symbolising Mark of that surname.

McMiller was an author just like myself and all of you who write life skills and social issues.

Mark can be a ADAM&EVE

The president can be ADAM&EVE

A radio presenter can be ADAM&EVE

The owner of a WhatsApp group can be ADAM&EVE

What follows is curiosity, the people commenting, the drama etc.

What matters is they must not steal because they are employed by God, Government, or are parents, or want a group to communicate, there are so many reasons to have a LEADER WITH NO GENDER!!!


Cultures believe there were two parents like ADAM & EVE everywhere but I wrote a poem about why we differ in our homes. (Sometimes you must not listen but speak) We differ because of our different parents the things that occur in our different homes become different from Kayn and Abel. Some homes said they had Jesus who died and some had Shaka that is the difference. The poem will talk of one’s yard or family so they remember their homes.

JEHOVAH is someone who can’t be seen is known in the bible, I’d say he is more like GOVERNMENT or source of income or LANDLORD anything that supports a family in a good way mostly but when it’s bad and threatens a family it is referred to as SATAN.



 〈.  Which one is Satan here