This is a letter from one of your most Citizens. Yes, it’s not your fault. I know, We have already been through that. But I think we should just have decency to lay it all out. No filters, No hide outs.

The Land of South Africa, is slowly going dry in Crime and Corruption. Not that we blame you. But we in be discuss you. As you seat in that big seat of yours.

Enough about that. My letter is not really a letter. But a story set in Soshanguve, just north of Gauteng, Pretoria. The story is futher set into the slum. Called ‘Marry Me’, the name is so unusual, but usual for a Squatter Camp Of Course!

The things I see Mr President, Are very very stressful for a person who is in my stage of life. You don’t want to know the stage of life Mr President, Trust Me.

Flashback 5 years ago. The Community of the Squatter camp surrounded a shack in awe as the police lights lit up the evening. The rumors has it. The husband was cheating. The wife or whatever she is, took a knife and planted it in her husband. Shocking news!

And, Fast forward 1 year from that year. A very brutal strike arose. The community of Marry Me protested, Very Very Chaotic. The Squtter Camp is near a railway station that passes through, to the reach of Mabopane Station.

The most of the Fit men of Marry Me, Ambition blinded for need of development. The Rail way slowly and Slowly started to be in pieces. Just then after a Norma Afternoon. The kids had returned from the school, gunshots “pha pha”.

The people were angry. The Mabopane Train Commuters were angry, they could no longer get to their destination seamlessly. The Shacks started to burn. As people took what they could grab and run Away Mr President.

A mother, A single mother. With two kids had to beg to total strangest for a place to sleep because the police had tear-gased the whole place down. People died. The fight continued until night.

And that believe me Mr President, that is just the tip of the Iceberg. 10 years since this Squtter camp started in 2013. The people await development, and they still wait. As paitaince had weared off.

Tell me Mr President, What do think is the solution to this. This just needs you in the flesh, to sort out. And just stop sending people. I hope you get back to me Mr President, If you want more of what happened in Marry Me. Tell me. Dont hold back Mr President.

I’m disappointed!