When I look at my mother before and her after she seems to be different. My mother was very strict when we were children, the stick was always in her hands. We knew that when we did something she does not like we would be beaten. I nearly forget to mention the razor as one of her other methods of punishment. Looking at our faces you could tell who was the naughtiest person among us as her children. She was not a beast, she just wanted her children to do reasonable things.
I do not think there is anyone who has naughty children like mine. If you want to witness what I am talking about you can just pay me a visit. I think in five minutes time you will be singing my songs of the year. Do not do that, stop it, leave what you are doing, come here, who has touched that…
One day I bought 5L juice that is mixed with water when you want to drink it. I told them that it should last the whole month. It will be helpful in their lunch box and it is dangerous to overdose juice and other related sweet staff. To emphasise I told them a story of a girl who fell at the assembly area at school when were younger.
On my way back from church on Saturday I had noticed that the juice level has dropped from full to quarter full. When I asked them who has touched the juice, they all sang their song, “It was not me”. Can you imagine that? I told their granny what they did hoping that she would grant me a permit to pinch them a little bit. I got puzzled when she told me to leave her grandchildren alone, they were thirsty.
Shall I tell my big brother that? My big brother used to cook when our mother was not home and got beaten when she came back. The juice drivers drove it once again, but this time they came up with a plan of refilling it with water so that no one would notice that it has been touched.
As an alert parent, I easily spotted that because they had failed to put a mark on the container before they poured it, so when they were refilling they had over refilled it. I kept reporting them to their granny but she always protecting them. She is no longer the woman I knew who was very strict with us. Her softness made me wish to reach her age in order to find out what changed her.
I cannot count the number of shoes I bought and my children had lost, I am talking about new shoes here. When you ask them they will simply tell you that the shoes are eaten by stones. I think I love my kids even though they broke my heart sometimes. If you want a fight just touch them and you will see their granny.