We are urged—almost immediately when we enter the world of high school—that we should start watching the news. “It’s an informative, worthwhile, and a good thing to do,” as commonly said by our teachers in high school. But should we really… really watch the news?

Even though news programmes keep us up-to-date about the headline-deserving happenings in our fast lives, I’ll like to passionately differ on the subject. Please bear me no animus as I attempt, in the following paragraphs, to elaborate the reasons as to why it may be unhealthy to watch the news, at least at the frequent levels we are advised to do.

We live in a two-faced world, a world in which both good and bad (in the context of events) happen almost at equal rates. And owing to this phenomena, one’s mental compass is dependent on what he or she feeds it. I.e., it goes without saying that the most pessimistic people are typically attributable with the watching of content that awakens an abundance of despair.

While on the contrary, our optimist—those that foresee or believe in a better tommorow—are basically directing their attention on content that portrays the good side of the world. But since I’m emphasis that both good and bad almost happen abreast, are news programmes showing us both sides of the story?

What’s one commonality shared by all these programmes? The most conspicuous is how they mainly focus on broadcasting only the malicious deeds that are taking place on a daily basis. If it’s not reports about homicide, then it’s something about crime. If it’s not reports about war, then it’s something about violence.

And because we are fragile creatures, whenever we hear about these immoral happenings, we tend to react in ways which are emotionally unsafe for our own mental wellbeing. E.g., I’m not the kindest of humans, but whenever I watch reports about gun violence, it usually arouses feelings of hopelessness within myself. And in addition, I also grow even more pessimistic about the world.

But is there anything I can do individually to stop these malicious events? Realistically speaking, in spite of my willingness, there’s certainly no way I can fly from my place to another to stop a drunk man from shooting at innocent people. Especially when that someone is using an illegal firearm that easily slipped through our borders due to uncontrollable kleptocracy.

And this is my point. The emotional trauma we subject our minds to, when we watch negative content daily—especially about events we cannot do anything about—is not only emotionally unhygienic, but it’s also unnecessary and may arouse feelings of impotence within us.

To be sincerely honest, watching reports about violence is no direct way of diminishing the violence from further haunting our troubled societies in the near future. Such problems as the aforementioned can only be solved if those that are governing us are concerned enough as to intervene effectively and spare us the trauma. We need firmer governments that can attack these problems at their foundational levels.

So are these saddening events the only things happening in the world?

I, for one—and many more—still believes that there is still a good side of current affairs taking place at present that we’re paying inadequate attention towards:

-Tech companies creating significant advances in lightning protection technology.

– Scientists experimenting with acidic air that is supposedly effective against viruses in indoor spaces.

All these interesting things are still happening in this very world we envision as collapsing. And if you’re interested enough publications about these findings and discoveries are available to look up for free on the internet. Not only will these publications tell you a thing a two about these tasteful happenings on the good side of things, but they also undoubtedly fill your mind with optimism, something which is a precious rarity in this world in which we are encouraged to believe that we are on the verge off irremedible collapse and extinction.

So my proposition to the reader is quite simple; because we live in a world that is two-faced, it is mentally safe and rewarding to ensure that we focus our energies, just as much as we do on negativity, on content that’ll make us appreciate our society even more,and make us believe that our future will get better. And we would even need to mystically believe such if we now enough about the present good that is turned away from the public’s view.

And it is only when when we do so that we’ll free our caged minds from content that thrives on the fluctuations of our own mental wellbeing for monetary rewards. It is only when we shift our focus to contemplating solutions that we’ll achieve progress.

As one man says it (paraphrased): “You can choose to be hot, but if you leave in a freezer, the environment is going to win over time.” And I say: “You can be raised in a freezer, but if you wish to feel warm, then you’ll need to focus on how to get out the freezer, instead of listening to those who make money from telling you it’s impossible.(yes, I know my words aren’t fascinating)” Meaning you can be as optimism as you desire, but if you consume content that thrives on negativity, then your efforts to remain driven will be in vain.