I am growing or rather aspiring to be someone who is empowered and bold but like most youth successful sadly enough those might just be thoughts in my head because of what our generation might be enslaved . Only a few surpass that destination but some dont survive it’s harsh reality but I strive to be different……hopefully .

” I would have been far by now if my parents didn’t hold me back or try to correct their past mistakes using my youth .”

Is what we mostly hear our eldest siblings say .we grow to notice that black tax has had a way to evolve into the 19th and 20th century once more , l ooking at the things my parents have been dictating about my future am afraid I might be next if I don’t stand up for myself but how could I stand up. I am a black young woman raised to listen and obey with no questions asked .

I was raised to think like an employee and to always prioritize finishing school then going to study and then get a job . I was never raised to go to school then university and starting my own empire because no matter what black tax is generational .

There are always two ways to survive it especially when you are female either by marriage or by pursuing the opposite direction as your parents wishes for you if you are lucky there is a possibility of a third one which is mostly rare but possible and that is getting you parents to let you live your life on your own terms .

As for me am still trying to decide which one am going to execute but till then I don’t know if I will be black taxed yet again or is there a turn to my story .