This is the day I’ll never forget in my entire life 03 November 2024 it was on Sunday when I was with my boyfriend at my mom’s house just chilling and chatting stuffs like that,my uncle came and told us that our grandmother sadly passed away we were shocked and we didn’t believe what we just heard .We quickly rushed to see my grandmother when we got there we realised that she is no more 😭 I started crying like a hungry baby I was hurt 💔and one thing I did after seeing her dead,I knelt down and prayed to God that he must heal my heart 🙏 and give me strength 🕯️death is so painful 🕊️ 💔 what we need is acceptance and strength 🕯️ and also support from our loved ones❤️death is so painful in such a way that it took a sweet person and a praying woman . I had to tell myself that it is God’s Will there’s nothing we can we can do other than to accept everything that happens in God’s hands🕯️💔My grandmother was my first priority she was my wholemood whenever I cry she would comfort me,she raised me I’m the woman I am because of her ohh thanks for everything my late grandmother I appreciate you and I’ll forever love you my Queen🕯️❤️Rest in Peace Koko!!🕊️💔