Hey friend I hope all is good.

I love you. From the first time i set my eyes on you I fell in love with you. Your physique and your humbleness. I went back to my room and I couldn’t stop thinking about you. 3 days after that you passed by my friends and I then I felt something inside my heart, the very same feeling I felt when we first met. Days went by and I couldn’t help but think and fantasize about you. The fantasies couldn’t stop, you were running through my mind none stop. It reached a point where I took it upon myself to get your number and text you. I texted you and it couldn’t get through then I called you and asked to be friends with you. You agreed, our first time bonding as friends you mentioned that you confused me for another girl. I really enjoyed spending time with you, till I had to be the one to push the friendship in order for it to sail and not sink. I remember it was after school holidays when I was forcing things, I asked for us to meet and update each other on how the holidays went and you never got back to me. After two weeks I decided to delete your number and you never got back to me. A fool I’ve been all because of love, maybe I’m crazy. A month and 3 weeks went by then I got your number again and asked for us to fix whatever went wrong with our friendship then you agreed. You texted me when you were free so we could talk. I came and we never really talked about it but continued bonding like we never stopped. That night I slept so happy forgetting that it’s only fun for a second with you. I stopped initiating conversations and meet-ups like I used to so we talked less but still i always thought about you. I do think about you even tonight I’m unable to sleep thinking about you. I am writing this because I don’t know what to do anymore, perhaps i should confess my feelings to you and be free or continue with this fake, boring friendship. I just wanna stop loving you because clearly you don’t feel the same.

FunDza family please advice me, i am slowly running insane!