Has someone ever noticed how comfortable we get once we know or find out we are great at a certain skill? Like yes, I know how to sing so what? Others may be like yes I know how to write poems, then what?

Well if you are great at singing, why don’t you start a YouTube channel and showcase your singing and by luck, make some money in the process. It is extremely hard, yes but it is not like there is something else that you are doing at the moment. I am a teenager myself so I know what we get up to, you know that five hours on Tik Tok you wasted learning dances whereas you are struggling like me, I have tried too, and could have contributed to your self-growth. School or work is no excuse, I am a full-time student myself, in contact classes, five days a week from 8:55 am to 16:10 pm, there are tests and exams and oh not forgetting ”relaxing”. It counts as a chore itself. 

I will let you know, I am terrible at socialising and writing stories and I just realised I am a fraud because when people ask me what is it that I write, I say stories and poems but I cannot write stories. I got so comfortable with the fact that I can write poems and that is it. There was this one time I stopped procrastinating and went onto a word document to write a story, I was ready and what happened? I opened a blank document and stared at it for close to an hour but thankfully I snapped out of it and wrote a sentence. A sentence which stayed on the document for weeks before I followed it up with another. I do not want that for myself anymore.

I want to be known for a story of mine that changed someone’s perspective on life or even better, have someone start-up writing because I inspired them through a story of mine. Poetry too is important to me but honestly, it was a dream of mine to be able to write stories first then poetry came as a benefit I was glad to take. I know it can be done but the time frame? Sadly, I cannot tell you but I myself do not know. 

Put yourself out there, something will come up. Trust me.