Once upon a time there was a girl go by the name of pearl malabela.she was the first daughter in the family of Moses and Rose malabela.they had only one daughter who is pearl. pearl was a student a high school student doing grade 10.

Pearl was a friend of lerato and phuseletso. they both this girls love fancy things.
Let the story Begin

(They story started when pearl parents went for gauteng because of work.)

Pearl:(chatting with her friends on group whatpp group) friends today am not going to school am not feeling well.

Phuselotso: what wrong friend did something happen to you?

Pearl: (feeling annoyed) no friend I will be fine don’t worry.

(She don’t know I have to go out with my sugar daddy aggrhh come on jezz I have to explain this to her)

The was this girl was a best friend with pearl before pearl join this group of slay queen girls.she Know by mpho.

(At pearl place sugar daddy car it outside waiting for pearl)

Pearl hear the pall outside and see Benz at the gate she blush and went outside, she was really a slay queen indeed)

Pearl: hello my sugar daddy

Sugar daddy: coming love stop calling me sugar daddy am moreki.

Pearl: (laughing) ok moreki.so were are we going?

Moreki: were would you like to go?

Pearl: how about Durban beach?

Moreki: anything for you dear

(On the way phuselotso called pearl that her and her friend lerato going weekend away let go friend.)

Pearl: (laughed them) friends am approaching Durban now.

Phuselotso: (shocked,)what friend that why you didn’t come to school to school?

Pearl: xap friend I will tell you the full information when am back.

(They end the call)

Moses: why didn’t tell your friends you are going out

Pearl: nothing baby is just I don’t want them to know.

(They arrived at Durban)

Pearl: (she didn’t look surprised because she once comes to Durban with her ex boyfriend.the aim of him wanted her to go Durban again is because her ex-boyfriend known he will be there because it beach day)

Pearl eyes was looking all over

Moreki: baby how are you looking for baby?

Pearl: know one baby,I can’t believe am here baby that all it being along wanted to see Durban beach so finally am here.

(she is lying to moreki)

Moreki: ok baby let go and look for a sit somewhere.

Pearl: (saw her ex boyfriend) baby let go a sit over there

Moreki: ok baby let go

Moreki and pearl ex-boyfriend they are home friend, they great each other and intrude there girlfriend. pearl boyfriend act he don’t know pearl.

(Late that night they were drinking beer now they were 5 man and 5 girls,they put the drunks into girls drinks,they saw that they girls are now drunked they took advantage they slept to each of them remember they were 5 and they did exchange..)


Pearl: baby what happened yesterday

Moreki: baby yesterday we were both drunked and we couldn’t do anything.

Pearl: (looking surprised)how baby because my clothes are not in my body?

Moreki: I just unclothed you only nje

Pearl: (laughing)lol ok moreki

(They are both preparing to go back to home because 3 weeks pass)

(Pearl and moreki on they way back had a fight a break up.moreki left pearl at Durban town.
Pearl didn’t care because she know she is hot she will find some other guy and indeed it happened)

Other guy: hello beautiful

Pearl: hello handsome

Guy: were are you going do you mind if I give you a lift

Pearl: no you can

(Pearl get into a car, they started to talk and tell pearl he have to go to his house to take some other car so that they can go were pearl staying. pearl agreed).

Pearl: (looking shocked) handsome is this your place and your car’s

Guy: yes.

Pearl: wow baby wow nice house and cars.

(They went inside, pearl thought she was dreaming seeing beautiful house)

Pearl: baby I love you

Guy: proof it baby

Pearl: anything for you baby

Guy: let have sex

Pearl: ok

(They had sex without using a condom, after that we’ll the we sitting guy friend called and guess who is moreki.

Moreki: did you manage to hit that girl?

Guy: lol yes friend and I just did now tjooo this girl no her style but she is not worth to be my girlfriend she is just a stock

Moreki: (laugh) lol I told you she have a big puss man, well left her next to her place I will call some guy to do hit also.

Guy: ok cool man , thanks for poor stock.

Pearl: who is that are le bolela ka mang?

Guy: some old friend am telling him about my ex-girlfriend I had before I met you.

Pearl: ok baby so I want to go home, can you please drive Benz

Guy: ok baby.

(They are close to pearl place and the guy call other guy that the is this girl she will be in her place in seconds he should wait next to her place)

Guy: baby please I have to go somewhere can you walk before already you are near.

Pearl: ok baby come back around 8 please

Guy: (laughing)I will

(Pearl walking to her home see polo vivo guy she blush wow what happing to me today Lord thanks for those handsome guy.

Polo guy: hello beautiful

Pearl: hello handsome

Polo guy: where are you going

Pearl: going home

Polo guy: can accompany you

Pearl: already ke fihlile

Polo guy:o dira eng ko gae?

Pearl: going to bath nje

Polo guy: can I go with you

Pearl: no wait there give me an hour I will be there .

Polo guy: ok

(Pearl bath and go to met polo guy)

Polo guy:the is hotel I know can we go there

Pearl: ok let hit the road

Polo guy brought pearl beer and saw that pearl he is drunk and book a hotel for both of them.
He had sex with her and called his two friends to come a have sex with her.

Years goes buy pearl started to feel sick and no guy want her now.she felt dizzy and went to clinic she was found with HIV and AIDS plus cancer with no matrix. Her beauty ended….her friends never wanted her because she was HIV and AIDS with child who doesn’t know the father.