Dear heartbreaker

I’d like to thank you for breaking my heart. I know it may seem weird that I’m thanking you whereas all you had done was to break my heart but from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Thank you for the love you gave to me at the beginning of our relationship. It might have not lasted for long but thank you, it was a nice experience.

Thank you for all your teachings. You taught me to love myself with all my flaws and always choose myself over anyone. That has been working very well for me because I’m no longer insecure about myself like I used to be 12 months ago. I’ve learned to love and embrace myself just the way I am.

Besides the good that you have taught and shown me, there’s still the bad side. You made me fear the other gender and managed to prove myself right that all men are trash but still I’m very thankful to you.

I wish you nothing but the best in life. I hope that you forgive yourself for what you did to me and all the other girls out there. I pray that you also find true love out there and actually treat your partner like she is the most important thing on Earth.

Yours sincerely
