I’m woken up by sounds of muffled cries and heavy sighs,I look around,where am I?there are thousands of girls around me looking all terrified , it’s like we’re inside a moving vehicle, I’m still trying to understand… “get in ma’am,hey little girls, daddy’s gonna give u a better future now okay”says a man with a belly the size of a pot and a foreign accent ,he says while opening the doors of the vehicle,but he’s the least of my worries, what’s Ms j nkosi doing over here and no she doesn’t seem all terrified or nervous,infact she seems fond of this hideous man.”okay babies I hope your okay and behave”,says Ms j nkosi,I want to scream for her and tell her to rescue me but she seems cool and collected and maybe I should do the same ,I trust that she wouldn’t intentionally jeopardize my life but something’s off about her character,she doesn’t greet me as I’m waving my hands across her direction instead she stares at me with a blank expression and continues with what she was doing “little girl she doesn’t care about you , you’re not that special”says a girl next to me, she seems a little older than me,”she had lied to you,she lied to all of us in here”she continues, confusing me further “i don’t know what you’re talking about, that’s Ms j nkosi,my guardian, the world’s most sweetest person ,she owns an oprhanage where she takes care of me and my friends”,i say , “(heavy sighs) she’s not who you think she is,I also thought she was the world’s most sweetest person even second to mother Teresa but I was wrong, she’s evil,all of the orphanages she owns are just a front for her to abduct young girls into foreign countries,at first you’ll think she’s all sweet but by the time you realize her true colors it will all be to late” …”what do you mean?”Three men coming out of nowhere come towards our direction,they forcefully take the girl with , she’s screaming and crying for help, I’m still trying to digest this huge revelation about the one and only person I trusted .splash of water !!I i open my eyes and I see xoliwe my roommate , I’m back at the orphanage , I’m panting, I’m running out of breath,was that a dream?I don’t wait for confirmation,my feet are not in communication with my mind ,I only realize that as I see myself running across the street to wherever God knows , I’m running not even looking back , crash!! I’m on the floor ,my body is numb ,I just collided with a car ,I can hear people screaming but the voices are fading they sound so far , I’m enjoying the satisfaction of not breathing,I feel my soul leaving my body,is this my last breath?