She,undeniably,is my favourite scent.Her strawberry kisses scent hesitantly sweeps me off my feet and softly strokes my genitals into longing to interlock with hers. She has an immensely sweet and overall superb personality that is content.Her kisses are all I thirst for.


Her love is like a warm affectionate tight hug after a long exhausting day,with soft kisses plastered in the forehead.

It’s like discovering and venturing into a new artist and realizing they actually have no bad song and you ask yourself “no man, where have you been all all this time?”.

It’s like that perfect summer evening in the countryside,happily journing your way between the tress,along the stream,picking up flowers,conversing with the owls and roasting marshmallows with your childhood bestfriend. It’s that tv series you recently discovered and can’t stop watching,makes you snuggle in the couch all day and forget the world even exist.And you know it only has 1 season but when that season ends,you act like you never knew and you want more of it,you don’t want it to end,you want it forevermore because it’s too good.


It is ridiculously amazing to burn all your boats for love knowing that they see you,appreciate you and in a room full of thousands of your look alikes,they would only choose you,to only kiss you,hold your hand and take you home with them.