Ever been cheated on to a point of thinking maybe you have been bewitched? Or your partner is bewitched? I bought white candles, started praying, questioning God what is it that I did to this man to deserve this kind of treatment or this is how he is when he is no longer in love with me? I was in denial! I saw the red flags and ignored them . The worst part of it is that, I saw this man in love with me, I saw how he treated me and how things were between us. Now I see a sudden change yet I’m dumb enough to add one and two that this is the end of us. That this man is sending a message that he has lost interest in whatever him and I built or had.

Meeting this man was when I thought God brought me a soulmate. I was so sure that this man had chosen me and he will forever cherish what him abd I have. He was a full package. Financially stable, handsome, well connected and very influential. Things moved real quick between us. He started updating our relationship status on his social media platforms, posting my pictures and making it clear out there I’m his woman. I never had someone like that in my life. I was chosen and it wasn’t forced or instructed. You know how nice us it a man choosing to do right by you without you even begging for it or asking for it or giving out hints. He did everything the right way as if he was able to read what in my mind or see what my heart wants. He was my ideal man. He served me the princess treatment. He would call and ask what I wanted to eat or he would clear my Shein cart anytime I feel like it. I received girlfriend’s allowance. I was madam!

Things changed when he relocated, starting a new job and making real money. He didn’t see me, he would swear at me, start being too bust to text or call. I bored him. He started going to these big clubs in town with friends he made when he started the new job. They bought expensive bottles, flashing money everywhere and girls throwing themselves at them. Now that was his lifestyle, partying everytime they felt like it. Not even only on weekends anytime was tea time. Time was not given to me. I would wrote Jim long paragraphs asking what’s wrong why he changed why is he being like this towards me.

He didn’t care how I felt or how many texts I sent. He ended up ending things with me after I forgave him a bunch of times for swearing me and hearing rumors about him being with certain girls. I went to his place I’m tears begging him not to do yhis to us, guy didn’t want to hear anything. He removed me from all his socials, deleted everything like I never existed! I felt like I was dreaming. It was so difficult for me to delete everything but I was given no choice. I lost myself in the process. Lost weight, my skin started cracking, losing complexion and my mouth being so dry and not even willing to get a lip therapy or anything. He even said it to my face whybis my mouth so dry even my skim he’s not happy with it. It broke my heart knowing it’s all him. Even after he removed me and ended things with me he would pitch at my door and sleep with me and I would really think maybe this is it he has come around. But that was not the case he was still done with me.

I never felt so disrespected as a woman before. I felt below of him. I felt like I was an idiot. He started seeing his other girls as superior than me. He was all over the place. Sleeping at guesthouses with different types of women and he saw nothing wrong with that. People came to me telling me your man is doing this and that. I felt so weak. I was at my lowest. I felt my world falling apart. Everyone knew about us and it was because of him. Now again we’re over I was still getting haunted. I couldn’t even start over and be with other men. He destroyed me and made sure I never look at another man the same again. I felt unworthy of a woman.

Till this one time I decided to give love a chance again. I met a very handsome man during practicals and we got along so so well. Till we had each other’s contacts and actually stayed in touch even after practicals. Well during practicals, it was five of us and we had lunches together. So him and I got along so well. We would hang out together on our free periods while the rest are on their shifts. We would talk about things we like, relationships and life in general. At that time we were just friends. We never even thought we would be here today.

When I met this new guy, I was through my healing stage. I prayed so much during that period. Asking God to help me heal and actually forget about the man who brought so much pain in my life. Did I mention the 5th person during practicals was the very same man who put me through this. Well because I had to be professional I still spoke to him politely and kept things professional. I didn’t even tell anyone about him being my ex. Funny enough two knew about us but the guy I’m with didn’t have an idea. So the heartbreaker saw I’m getting close to this new guy who is my person today. So there is a time the four of us were on our shift and they were left together. The heartbreaker started speaking.

The heartbreaker: You know this girl is my woman? (He was referring to me)

My current partner: Oh is it? Not exs?

The heartbreaker: No his my woman and we just have a

a little misunderstanding but we will

fix it we always do.

My current partner: Oh okay do that hey…

Funny part I only found out about this chit chat now when I’m dating my current partner. He’s the one who told me the guy had a talk with him about me. Probably he saw we were pretty close and was making sure it doesn’t take another step. Unfortunately for him my current partner is proof that not all men are like him. My skin is glowing, I have peaceful sleeps. I’m respected, my feelings are considered, I’m treated much better and I’m seen and listened to. Never in my life met such a man. I’m forever grateful for him. You should see or hear things he does orcsays to me. I have never felt so in love with myself this much because of a man. He restored my self-confidence and made me see how gorgeous I actually. Yena ke sana he’s a snack! The body? The face? The skin? Please! Now I believe when they say “A man’s trash is another man’s treasure!”

I don’t know who needs to hear this but there are men out there who will love you for who you are. They won’t compare you or make you feel less of a woman. You know when you’re tired of being ill-treated. Take care of your heart. Leave a man who is still confused before he ruins your life.