Education is the only thing that can open doors for you.Being educated lots of people will give you respect whenever you go. Everything you do,the world will shower you with love and be humble.No one will even insult you nor hurt you.


Every where you go,you get the respect you want. Being education can give you lot of benefit which can be good or bad. You can get what you want without working for if,but for just being educated. The world can treat you like kings and queens of the nation.


They say education open doors, because you can get your dream job you wanted. You can be able to own a mansion and car you always wanted since childhood. You can be able to eat and wear clothes you wanted growing up.


Sometimes educated people use their success as an advantage to do evil. They can get job’s and tenders they never worked nor earned. They get involved in corruption forgetting how hard they earned to be where they are now. Educated people blackmail other to get ahead In life.


Today I want to warn you not to forget where you were you come from. Being educated doesn’t mean you must look down on others, because it can be from hero to zero.In this world we leave in, losing things ain’t eazy. Just make sure to be humble and never changed yourself after being successful.