Well I’ll answer this.Queer people are people too. They have rights as well as everyone do. Stop abusing them Physically, emotionally and verbally. They deserve love and acceptance. They deserve to be respected.

Lesbians Never said that they’re men. We all know that they’re women, they’re just sexually attracted to women. Same applies with Gays and vice versa.THEY DON’T OWE YOU ANYTHING.STOP! Making them feel unsafe.

I saw a tweet on Twitter, A lesbian was sweared for being herself. The guy commented and told the Lesbian that she’ll never be a man, and lesbians are confused. He even said that she’s a pig and she made her parents a laughing stock in the community.

It really touched me. How can a person be cruel to someone with these kind of words. I mean she don’t owe him anything, not even a single explanation.

Guys don’t ever be afraid to come out. Whoever accepts you, will accept you. Don’t mind haters. Live your life to the fullest. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in. God loves us all.