Ukuba umtwana wedlozi kunzima ay kancane

2014 I found out I was expecting a baby to deliver in 2015. Unfortunately after 4 months all symptoms were gone and was confused to what was I carrying kanti because I had a silent miscarriage and every one was convinced I made an abortion. Years later it was revealed that I was carrying umtwana wedlozi njengomumtu onobizo. I wasn’t aware that iserious lento yami nedlozi until this because i am in a relationship of 9 years and more but lutho ingane mind that angikaze ngiprevent nakanye but idlozi lihleli esibelethweni sami angaz liyobohla nom cha. Yebo ngyaboniswa konke njengomumtu wedlozi but idlozi ngyoze ngife nginalo okubhlungu mins ngtshelwa yilona kuth ngenzen ngiyeph kahl kahl kusho lingphethe ngokuningi liyangiphoqa ngestayela izinto elifuna ngizenze angizikhetheli okwenzeka kmina. Kshuth ngyoze ngzalelwe abakwaziyo liyangdlisela idlozi