Robert Frost said, ” You don’t have to deserve your mother’s love. You deserve your father’s love. He is more particular.” That is so true, especially in a girl child. We need our fathers more than we need our mothers. Not that I am underestimating a good job our mothers do in raising us, but our fathers are also important. So fathers, where are you when we need you?

Dr Kevin Leman said, ” If you have a daughter, you matter more than you think.” Yes. A man matters more when he has a girl child.

The rising numbers of teenage pregnant girls and single mothers, the high rate of gender-based violence against women and the increasing popularity of the blesser-blessee culture can all be attributed to one thing: absent fathers.

Research has shown that the growing number of absent fathers leads to many social problems and ills in our communities and society. If fathers are involved in their daughters’ lives, fewer women would be in and out of shelters for abused women, many would be able to sustain healthy marriages and relationships, and girls wouldn’t be fooling around with older men just because they are searching for that fatherly love.

The father and daughter relationship is crucial. “A woman’s relationship with her father is very much going to influence her relationships with other males.”, says Dr Kevin. Also, a father prepares her daughter for success and is an important element in her daughter’s capability to have a successful life and marriage or relationship.

So what I am saying is that let’s not leave the parenting only to our beautiful mothers. A father is needed and fundamental to developing strong, capable, confident and healthy women who can make good decisions regarding their lives. And to sons also. A father can leave a lasting mark on her daughter’s life, maybe a lifelong one. So to all fathers out there who have girl children: You matter.

Please step up.