Does having good grades mean you are intelligent? Does getting straight A’s on your school report mean you have the makings of a genius? Does getting 100% in a certain subject a mark of intelligence? No, not in a South African Education system context. Never.
At the beginning of each year in South Africa we celebrate the high achievers of grade 12 announced by the Minister of Education, Angie Motshekga on national television. But have you ever wondered why exactly are you clapping and celebrating those learner’s? You might say, ” because they have worked hard and they are smart.” Maybe but that accounts for only a small percentage of learners some of them we don’t get to see on TV. The truth is there is no real education in South Africa that can tap and display someone’s intelligence.

When I say grades don’t show if someone is intelligent or not is because we pass our subjects by memorising the content. It is called rote learning. We are given everything that we need to pass exams. We cram question papers and how each question will be structured in the examination paper. In grade 12 there is no time for learning. Every chance we get it is to go through previous exam papers. We even get to memorise definitions of specific concepts that is correct by the standards of the curriculum. Everything is cram, cram ,cram. By the time the exams arrive, I know what to expect because I know what the question paper will be like. There is no true learning. Unfortunately our educators take part in this nonsensical approach to learning and education.

All I am saying is that before you say someone is intelligent because you saw his or her report card full of exceptional symbols ask yourself is this person intelligent or what? Or has he or she mastered the skill of cramming and memorising the exam paper in a country where you are taught how to pass an exam?