Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved to sing but her parents did not want her to be a singer-songwriter. 
One day when her teacher told the class that there is going to be a competition of singing all of the class was so excited and ready.
And the other day Lerato (the girl who loved to bully other children)told Buhle(the girl who her parents don’t want her to be a singer-songwriter) that there is no need for you to participate in the competition because I’m going to win. Buhle was very sad because she knew that she was going to win. Buhle ‘s teacher told Buhle ‘s mother that there is going to be a competition of singing and I want you to tell Buhle to believe in herself Buhle ‘s mother told Buhle ‘s father and Buhle ‘s father said that she can do whatever she want and he will support her. On the competition day, Buhle saw her parents say go and show them who you are, and Buhle said yes papa.
When the teacher said that give it up for Buhle, she was excited and she sang. When it was the judge’s time to announce the winner everyone was so excited and the judge ‘said the winner is Buhle! She was so happy and her parents were so happy for her.