Being unique in today’s generation is emotionally draining. What people don’t understand is that I am the way I am but didn’t choose to be this way. It pains me a lot to see people laughing at me behind my back like I’m some crazy monkey, gossiping about me and acting as if things are fine whenever I’m around. 

I just pray that one day God will answer my prayers to heal the pain. And another thing that I know is that KARMA doesn’t have a friend. When it is your day to face storms KARMA will provide. This is the pain I have to face every day and I everyday struggle to earn back my self-confidence. Stop making others feel uncomfortable for having high self-confidence in themselves if you personally don’t have the confidence. Pain humbled me to a core. 

Why should you point out someone’s imperfections while you’re not perfect? How can you do that and still live a comfortable life knowing that someone’s child is living in pain and emotionally drained because of you? Life on its own it’s just a lot to deal with. We are all God’s grace and wisdom, nobody is perfect. We all have imperfections but some of us who have been through judgement and pain don’t judge anybody because we know the pain of being judged and bullied.