The Great Flood – Day 11
Dear Diary,


Oh Jesus, I thank you. And on a Saturday – perfect timing, no need to go to school. HA!

First thing I did was go Quinton’s. Ooooh, how I have missed him. Unfortunately, there was no kissing, as his whole family was there. Kind of weird seeing people be happy to be home, when they could be going to movies, the shops, anything, but I guess it isn’t such a big deal when you can do it all the time.

But he and I sat and chatted, and it was just so good to not be alone. People are my favourite kind of happy. Also, I got to eat FRESH FOOD. A real tomato was on my sandwich. I tell you, I almost kissed that thing. They are so juicy, so … not samp and beans. My tongue practically wept with happiness.

So! Other amazing thing. I gave Quinton’s mama her rock family. I even nestled it in a little box, so they are propped up all cute. Mama had given me some fabric to make their box-home look sweet.


But even more amazing? Mrs January, Quinton’s mom’s best-friend-ever, asked if I could do her family. And then – are you sitting down – she offered me R250 to do it! I mean, wow. Not that it is R250 PER rock, but R250 for a family of five and their goldfish, Goldie (you can’t make this up). A goldfish.

Sure, fine, R250, I am THERE.

Bringing in the monies,
~ Khuthele


Tell us: Khuthele seems to have made a business from a hobby at home. What other kind of hobbies at home do you think could possibly be turned into a business?