Who are you, perfect
Enough to judge my actions
Tell me I’m wrong before I even try
‘Cause at a glance, you haven’t seen life from my shoes,
Beware, I’m a size five, not many fit in
Who are you, perfect
Enough to call me stupid because of the choices I make
To tell me I should ask the wise
Yeah right, the wise know the possibilities of our future,
But that doesn’t mean they’re always right
Our world has enough room for change
Who are you, perfect
To call me a liar when you ain’t even heard the honest truth
Just one word from my opponent then the problem is solved
That doesn’t mean it’s the truth
Beware, God gave us two ears
One so we can listen to the plaintiff
And one so we can listen to the defendant
Who are you, perfect
To tell me I’m fat
I may not be a size 6 or a 4
But my curves fit in tight where they belong
Anyway, bones are for dogs
Meat is for men
Who are you, perfect
To tell me I need make up
Honey I like me some raw natural look
And for a fact, beauty is not “made up”
It exists naturally
So I ask again, who on earth
Heavens and hell are you
To make yourself look perfect
And still judge my flaws