I did not tell my mother all the truth
Else she sees me a rotten girl

I did not tell her that I carry shame
And it’s heavy on my head

I did not tell her why I walk the way I do
In the morn
Every night I carry the weight of big men to bed

My lipsticks are not worn for beauty
They’re worn to cover wounds
Gotten from kisses
Our neighbour’s husband gave me

My eyeliners are carefully worn
So that no one knows
How much I cried when my boyfriend left

I did not tell her too
That I started after her husband
Bought my virginity

I sold it to him
The night she left for work and we were alone at home
He told me to sell to him
And after I took an oath not to breathe a word

My mother needs not know this
Else the vultures will feast on me by morn