Do not pay attention to those who want to see you fail
To the negative people,
To those who discourage you
Do not entertain their sad and miserable lives
What you have to do is fly high
And keep shining
Knowing that not only the sky is the limit
But there’s so much more beyond that.
Spread your wings
and be well prepared for the journey.
No one said it was easy,
but there are those who’ve conquered it.
What goes up has to come down
so don’t let success go to your head.
There is no real way to get success
but trying to impress everyone is a recipe for failure.
A wise woman once said:
“Before bread is perfect, it has to be made then put into a hot oven”
This means that there are going to be hard times,
but they prepare us for better ones.
Get education, have passion and pray.
You may not reach the sky
but you may land on the moon.
This is your way forward.