When we said you were too big for us
Who said we were faster than you?
You did.
When we said we won’t make it
Who told us that one day we will make it?
You did.
When we said we won’t make it
Who told us to keep on trying?
You did.
When we asked how to score
Who told us to go through the opponents,
To make it to the finish line?
Well, you did.

Knowledge doesn’t die it expands.
An apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Your strength determines our future.
We were not there as a tourist camp,
We were there to learn
We learned everything that was good
And absorbed it in our own way.

When we said you are stronger than us,
Who told us everything has its weakness?
Again, you did.

You were a candle that burned itself to give light to others
We welcomed the challenge
We looked for opportunities in that situation and
Learned to grow in wisdom.
We lost the game before we even set foot in the field.
Our aim wasn’t to win the battle, but to win the war
We went there to learn.
We played till the last whistle
You told us not to give up, and we didn’t.
Who told us to mind the gap not the crowd?
You did.
Who told us if we keep on playing like that will make
It to the top of the mountain?
You did, remember?
The time the referee blew the final whistle, and you said we should mix,
Do you remember captain? Do you?
Because I do, we all do.

The loser is the winner who got up and gave it one more try.
The winner is always part of the answer
The winner has a programme
The leader says let’s do this together
The winner traps
The winner says it will be difficult, but it is possible.

Aim high! Embrace change
Success is defined by ability to adopt change
If you think you can win, well winning it is.
Faith is necessary to victory
Nothing is a waste of time if you use
The experience wisely.
Big is the opposite of small.
It is not the load that breaks you down,
But the way you carry it.
You don’t need to move mountains,
Just know where to aim.
We stick together like a postage stamp.

The bigger they are the harder they fall
It is not the size of a dog in a fight,
But the size of the fight in a dog.
Don’t judge the book by its cover,
if size mattered an elephant could’ve
Been the king of the jungle.

You are responsible for what we are today
You found us at the lowest and created us to be the best
You created us the same way God created this world
You deserve to be called Tyler the creator
You taught us a lesson, it wasn’t easy but possible
It was a lesson learned the hard way.

So now it’s our turn to fight back
We gave you enough time to empty your bladder on our heads
Now its our turn to apply what we have learned
Now you don’t see Stanza defeat, you experience it.

Without plans to reach you’re like a ship,
That has set a sail with no destination
You don’t see Stanza defeat, you experience it
What’s wrong with you guys, you’re all watching
Stanza like you’ve never seen it before.
You made
The Stanza boys happy
The Stanza boys win.
The Stanza boys are happy they’re going to the sea
They never, never borrow and
They never disagree
For the might of the Stanza boys are coming on the field.

Glory, glory hallelujah
Glory, glory hallelujah for the might of the Stanza boys are coming on the field
The Stanza boys are happy
The Stanza boys are winning
The Stanza boys are happy they going to the sea
They never, never borrow and
They never disagree
For the mighty of the Stanza boys are coming on the field
Glory, glory hallelujah
Glory,glory hallelujah for the might of the Stanza boys are coming on the field.

It is possible to fail in many ways, and
Also possible to succeed in one way
It isn’t hard to be good from time to time at sports,
What is taught is being good everyday
Nothing has power over us, other than the
One we give.
Don’t look outside for strength
It comes from within, it is there all times.
Anger is a wind which blows the lamp
Of the mind.

And if you don’t know Stanza, know this:
They are the greatest example of generosity
In the world, and when they hit the scene,
They change the scenery and meet diversity
With serenity if you’re looking for a win.
You can do this if you try
Just like a rugby ball, you never
Know where it will land after hitting the ground
I appreciate what you did to these boys
Small boys in a field
Yeah! small boys with big hearts