Slow trauma driving me insane
Confused by my own life
Not knowing what career path to follow,
Afraid of making my family pay for what may never be

I don’t know where I stand,
but I know that my drive is success
I have plans for varsity,
but what is it that I want to study?

I have passion for business
Of cause I will be in one
My major concern is the star-up capital
How, when and where do I start?

I’m afraid of failure,
but it comes even at the most unexpected time
When it does come for me,
I learn from it but it’s hard to embrace

I’m a masterpiece of intelligence yet I’m confused
Just the thought of choosing a career not meant for me,
my feet go cold and I shiver at the thought

Most days I find myself deep in thought,
my mind searching for answers only I can give
I’m confused and loosing path
Slow trauma driving me crazy