Remind me again
of what happened to my African pride,
of the value of my being
in a country that has no room for my skin.

Now education is no longer a right
but a fight
against the lost and the depressed,
the poor and the disadvantaged,
the needy and the beggars,
who are being attacked and suppressed.

Being educated is a white privilege
and a black sacrifice,
a sacrifice of blood, sweat and tears
like the turning of a page brings new rage and fears.
Our right is to be chased by men with guns
who once travelled the same road as us.

Remind me again
to be sentenced to life in jail
and denied bail
for my education to be free.

Remind me again
why I am a resident
in a country that has no value for my blackness,
why I am a citizen
of a government that is tired of feeding it’s own people.

Year by year
we celebrate another year of a democracy
that has no legacy for my black fantasies
and has no hope for my darkened dreams.

Remind me again
why I should vote for change
or if I should change my vote
for zero education fees
instead of buffalos and more tea parties,
for more fake promises and more T-shirts,
for more tears and more bloodshed.

Remind me again
why I should still believe in the ANC,
because they don’t care about my ABC.
The world is weeping and in pain
but only the poor can see.