You wake up and realise
Sometimes in a mess
While easy to point fingers
What was your part?
Whether it’s circumstances?
Whether it’s situations?
Whether it’s experiences?
What did you decide?
What was your choice?
Surrender or fight?
Love or hate?

Forgive or have rage?
Cause conflict or be peaceful?
Be miserable or happy?
Wish others well or be jealous?
When gossip comes about who said
Is it necessary to talk back?
When things fall apart
Did life ask you to do the same?

Do you know what’s worse?
Worse is letting worse be worse on your watch?
Sometimes we are fearful to face our worst fears
Sometimes our fears need to know we are not afraid?
Afraid of making errors in fear of judgement?

Well even the people you are afraid of
have their own struggles
but this does not mean things should be done deliberately.
Do not be silenced when the going gets tough,
it’s when it’s dark that God’s light shines through.