I write what is in my mind
Although I’m still underground
I write what is in my mind
Because on my mind there is nothing else I could find
But only these few words I could find
I write what is in my mind because poetry is my calling
That I would never forget even if I could turn blind
I write what is in my mind no matter what you’re saying about me
Those things are the things I would never mind
Because there are better things that I could mind
Which are the things that are on my mind
I write what is in my mind
Because pen is my best friend
Well I’m not bragging
But me and pen have a strong bond
I write what is in my mind because I know my background
But that doesn’t make me give up
Because of this talent I’ve found
Well it makes me write what is on my mind
I wrote what is on my mind
Just to turn my life around