The day for fathers
That one who works harder
God is our first father
He created Adam
Before, he created the holy dam
Eva was created by Adam
The biological process started automatically.
Fathers are provider
Fathers are protectors
They must first use protractor
After, they will master driving that old tractor
Fathers are hunters
Walking blinkering in the mountain
After weeks in the mountains, they are called hutters
They only drink and wash in the fountain
Everything needs energy
Original scientist without college
They’ve got strong and rough hands
They will come home with fresh meat
They never worry about being neat
They act responsibly
Thinking about hard work everything is possible
They mentor their sons
Intention, wake them before the rise of the sun
The lesson is about being hard worker
The lesson is to be family worker
The reason is to be family man
The is award to be earn
Fathers ‘day, the day for fathers, those one who work harder.